Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This and That




There have been workers at my house for the past week, so my routine is a little out of normal, but we do have something pretty to show for it. I'm giving you a sneak peek of our master bath remodel and the tile and new shower head now installed. We will be waiting a few weeks for the custom glass door before we can use it, but in the meantime, I will be starting to paint both the walls and the cabinets. Since we are doing this for resale, everything with be kept very neutral. I think when everything is done (paint, lighting, faucets and shower) it's going to look really good and will be a nice selling point when the house goes on the market.



I have been in a reading slump lately, but have high hopes for the book I started yesterday. The reviews are very good and I am enjoying the main character's (a pastry chef) view of small town life in Vermont. The desserts she creates for her job at a local inn are described in mouth watering detail and I'm interested to see where the story will go.


Our tailgate group has been sending lots of emails and our menu is set for Friday's MSU football game. We are grilling burgers and brats and my contribution will be Loaded Potato Skins, 7 Layer Mexican Dip and Oreo Brownies. The weather is going to be perfect (75 and sunny) and I can't wait to be sitting in my chair enjoying my first cocktail.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I love your new the bath is going to be so pretty, you may not want to sell it...:)

  2. I've had outside work being done and that has wreaked havoc on my schedule! I hear ya!

  3. I would hang around your contributions if I were going. Oreo brownies... yum!!! Have fun!

  4. Love the tile in your shower and those rain shower heads are great! Yum to that tailgate menu! Enjoy!!

  5. Good luck with the bathroom...I hear you on all points. I really like your tile.

    Another great book tip. And one that's going to make me hungry, I just know!


  6. I can't wait to see your bathroom re-do:) I love the shower head! Have a fun next few days with your TEAM and fellow tailgaters:) HUGS!

  7. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! I hope it starts with a victory!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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