Friday, June 10, 2016

Our Last Book Club Before Summer






We don't always have our book club meet in June, but this year we decided to get together one last time. It was a small group, since it is a busy time of year, but sometimes a smaller group can be nice and helps the discussion feel a little more intimate.

We started with a lovely and light dinner of lemon pepper pasta with shrimp. While discussing the book, we enjoyed a pretty and delicious dessert - a peach and goat cheese filled puff pastry with raspberry sorbet. And, to make things even more fun, our hostess served us a unique and decadant after dinner drink made with cream of coconut, pineapple juice and Mackinac Island Fudge liqueur.



We like to read a wide variety of books and enjoyed very much the American classic, My Antonia by Willa Cather. It's a beautifully written book ( also free on Kindle) and the use of imagery to describe the prairies of the Midwest is simply breathtaking. I really enjoy the opportunity to read a book I would not normally pick up at this stage in my life and love my book club for that reason. There are so many wonderful classic novels that deserve to be revisited outside of college literature classes.

Have a wonderful weekend!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. Dinner looks spectacular!! Thanks for the book recommendation. Have a great weekend.

  2. I have lived my whole life in Nebraska, so Willa Cather's books are especially dear to me. If you liked her writing try any of Bess Streeter Aldrich's books. Her books are also about prairie life---I think you would like Lantern in her Hand.

    Bobbie Allgood

  3. Looks like you are still having your lovely book club meetings with wonderful food..Always looks so good...

  4. I would read most any book to be able to enjoy that delicious meal! Yum!! The book actually sounds like one I might enjoy. Will go check it out on Amazon right now!

  5. Sounds perfect for a pre summer book club evening . . .
    Pasta, sweets, after dinner speciality . . . and . . .My Antonia . . .
    I wish I had been there . . .
    Willa Cather was my senior high school English/Literature "person" . . .
    I read many, if not all of her books for my term paper . . .
    And loved reading "her" . . . An "artist" in words . . .
    Best learning experience ever BTW . . .
    Through the years after . . .
    I have used the skills I learned from this teacher more times than I can count.

  6. May I join your book club? I promise not to talk too much. Is there an initiation? I do those well! Seriously? We are only about 55 states away from one another....but man oh man.....the food y'all do!!! That crepe??? That drink? So fun!! Nice to have a group of girlfriends to play with.....not to mention, read together!

  7. You book clubbers have it dialed in for sure!! Good friends, good food and a good read! Yep sounds like fun!

  8. How cool that you read a classic! Ours does that on occasion, too!

  9. I wish I lived in your neighborhood : ) I just finished The Perfect Son by Barbara Claypole White and liked it a lot.


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