Friday, February 20, 2015

A Winter Book Club




My monthly book club met last night and had a wonderful discussion on the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I picked this book for everyone to read and hoped they would like it as much as I did. In fact, since it had been so long since I read it and I needed to lead the book discussion, I read it for a second time and enjoyed it just as much. Our discussion was great, sometimes using the discussion questions I had printed off the computer, but a lot of the time going our own way. The ladies in my group always have the most interesting things to say.

Before our discussion, we remarked on how wonderful it was to be out of the house, as cabin fever seems to be setting in for all. Our hostess prepared a delicious soup and salad menu with beef, mushroom, barley soup and a baby kale and apple salad. Her table was so creative for a book club dinner with candles on top of stacked books, many of which we have read it our book club over the years. The dessert and coffee served after our discussion was a huge hit on a cold winter night; gingerbread cake with caramel sauce. Once again, we remarked how lucky we are to have each other.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love our book club too...nothing stuffy just great women enjoying life together. Thanks for reminding me. Love the books as tablescape and enjoyed Wild movie...thinking about reading the book.

  2. I seen a movie years ago about a book club. Not sure what the name of it was. I think it had Jane Austin in the title. Since than I would love to join or start a book club. Not many readers in my area right now.

  3. You are very lucky to have each other..It seems like a good group of gals..Nice that you can all get together so often..

  4. I LOVED Wild! One of my favorite books in a long time. I wish I could have been there to discuss it with you! :)

  5. Beautiful table with the candles and books! Enjoy your Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  6. looks like a fun nite. haven't read that book yet. have a great week!


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