Monday, January 5, 2015

Downton Abbey Thoughts




As I started to watch the premiere of this season's Downton Abbey, I realized that it does take a scene or two to get back into the rhythm of the show. There were a lot of short scenes and switching from upstairs characters to downstairs characters. There was the usual snatched conversations in dark stairwells, lingering looks and references to secrets. And my favorite, the convenient tendency for the characters to overhear conversations.

As all these quirks were unfolding, I fell in love with the series all over again. From Mr. Carson's gruffness, to the Dowager Countess and her magnificent one liners, I began to remember the characters personalities and how they always manage to surprise and delight me. I thought Lord Grantham was especially surprising tonight with his funny reaction to his grandchildren, as well as the touching scene with Tom.

All in all, I thought this first episode was well paced; both ending stories from last season, as well as giving the viewers a glimpse of new plot twists. I am especially intrigued by Lady Mary's relationships. She's back to sniping at Lady Edith so, will she support her in the end when her big secret is inevitably revealed?

It looks to be an interesting season.

Happy Monday!



  1. dang it.. there is another series that I will be hooked on! : ) Have a great new week vicki!!

  2. An interesting Downton Abbey season ahead, indeed! Even though I had already seen the pre-screening of episode 1, I watched it again with focused attention, and wrote about it on my blog today too.

  3. I have it taped . . . Off to watch it right now! Thanks for the encouraging words!

  4. I loved it! And yes, I agree that it takes one or two episodes to "get back in." I wish the hour before it comes on, that they would show the last episode from the previous season. Or do a DA Marathon the day leading up to the new episode. Wouldn't that be nice? And is it just me, or do you have problems hearing what some of the characters say? Whether its the accent of the "whispers." I'm not sure, but we have to "back it up" sometimes to hear. Happy Monday!

  5. We enjoyed it too! Love that show!

  6. Hmmmm...Lady Mary and Tony...interesting scene before the fire!...:)JP

  7. I love Downton too. I watched the final episode of season 4 last week, so I would have an idea what was going on in the premiere of season 5, otherwise I think I would have been a bit lost. I'm always interested in all the little secrets going on, it's so addictive. I love Mrs Patmore and how she interacts with Daisy and all the other characters in the show. I wasn't sure how I would feel watching it again after all this time, but I really enjoyed it.

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt out of sorts at the beginning. It did take a few minutes to get back in the rythmn.
    I agree that its going to be an interesting year!

  9. Excellent review Vicki. I too. had to take a little time to "catch up"..Should be a good eight weeks..

  10. The episode is still on my DVR waiting for the perfect time that I can watch it, uninterrupted. Can't wait!

  11. It didn't take me too long to get hooked all over again!

  12. I loved it too. I always look forward to Sunday nights. Such a great show with amazing characters! :)

  13. I'm one of the lucky ones, our OPB station does a DA marathon before airing the new season. So I was all ready series five start. I just wonder who Lord Grantham is angrily banishing from the house!!!

  14. My pleasure on Sunday nights. I'm glad it's on again, too.


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