Friday, October 17, 2014

Empty Nest Feels Empty




Having an empty nest is a funny thing. Most days have a rhythm that moves along; you are busy or at the very least content. But, out of the blue you begin to miss the little things. It may be time for a pedicure and I have to go alone, rather than with one or both daughters. Or, I start seeing the trailer for the new Mockingjay movie and realize going to see those movies together has always been a tradition.

It is not the big things that you miss, because they will be home for holidays and other family events. It's the sound of the laughter and voices drifting down from the upstairs bedrooms. It's the impromptu shopping trips to find just the right thing. It's early morning breakfast at our favorite spot and catching up on life.

Technology is great and there are many ways to keep in touch that I am thankful for. But, there is nothing like looking into their eyes and hearing their voice in person to let you know that everything is good with them. There is nothing like having them at home, sleeping in their old bedrooms and knowing they will be there in the morning when they wake up.

Luckily, I will be seeing both daughters very soon, spending some time catching up and getting that hug I need. Having an empty nest is a process with mostly good days and other days spent missing what once was. Lately, I have to admit, I miss them.

Have a great weekend!



  1. and melancholy sets in and we just have to go with it for a bit . . .
    Great post Vicki . . . yet sad you are missing those favorite upstairs sounds and more today . . .
    Sometimes the empty nest is much too quiet . . .

  2. Exactly. Well said Vicki. Most days are busy, but sometimes there is just "that" day where you wander around aimlessly looking for something to occupy your time because you are missing them. Baby girl flew home last night for fall break, and we are thrilled to have her here even if for just a couple days. It is enough to get me through the weeks before we see she and her sister again.

  3. Vicki- Ohhh my oldest is a junior in college out of state and I have those pains and aches in the heart. So we got a puppy! xo xo laura

  4. I remember those days. I still miss the fun and laughter when my three kids were at home. We had such a busy life and then it sort of ended. You just have to keep busy, find new things to do, and it won't be long before you get a visit from one of them.
    I imagine that they have special times that they miss too.

  5. UGG. I am not looking forward for my third daughter to go to college next fall. This time next year I will be so sad for sure. I think the house is too quiet and dark now with my two older girls out of the house. I love it when they are home.....and somehow the house just feels full when I go to bed knowing they are upstairs.

  6. I think most of us know where you're coming from here. I do think it works both ways, at times something will stir the memory for each of us about a happy family time shared. It's good to have happy memories.

    Have a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  7. I feel the same way Vicki! My daughters are 23 and oldest just turned 25 and has been married for 2 years! Youngest is living on her own also. Although they live close by I do miss the loud, crazy, busy times we had when they were younger. We do talk daily but just not the same as having them here so I am also looking forward to the Holiday's and maybe a little extra time with a full house! Much like we adopted 2 rescue dogs and they get plenty of love and attention!

  8. I read this with a lump in my throat, Vicki! I'm not an empty-nester yet, but I can hardly believe that in less than three years, I will be. How did it go so fast? I'm glad your daughters will be home soon to give you those hugs!

  9. Oh how I feel your pain. I am still missing the daily presence of my daughter even though she is out of college and living on her own so it has been 4 years. And she only lives ten minutes away but her job keeps her out of town for half of each month. Missing them never goes away, just becomes part of the rhythm of our lives. Enjoy your next visit with them.

  10. Well said, Vicki. I agree - it's those certain moments when missing them sneaks up on you.

  11. I understand and know how it feels! We are missing our Granddaughter and go frequently to visit:) Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Thanks for expressing what I sometimes feel. My daughters have been away from home for more than a decade. Visits just aren't the same as having them in the house and sharing everyday life. You get used to it but you never really like it.

  13. Found you through Kelly...Go GREEN! (I married a Spartan)

  14. Stopping in from SUYL--so fun to get to "meet" you! I have two girls, 10 and 8, and I can see how fast life flies by now. Its nice to read about what my future might be like!

  15. Great post, Vicki!! You and I are on the same page when it comes to being an empty nester.


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