Thursday, August 7, 2014

Three Things




The season two finale of Last Tango In Halifax (PBS) was practically perfect in every way. I have mentioned my love for this quirky, sweet and funny show before, and if you haven't given it a chance, season one is available on Netflix and only six shows long. The wedding scene at the end of the finale was so touching and surprising and when the characters were dancing to Carole King's Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow I have to admit I shed a tear. That song immediately takes me back to listening to the Tapestry album; one of the greatest ever and a soundtrack for my early college years. Sometimes, a television show gets all the details right, and this one truly does.



The book Wild, by Cheryl Strayed is absolutely fascinating and I couldn't stop reading once I started. It is the story of a women's redemption journey through a summer long hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. As she walks through, California and Oregon, she learns about herself and begins to let go and forgive herself for her wild past. I have always wanted to hike in the mountains and it is now something on my bucket list. Not with rough style camping involved, but a peaceful day hike through a wildflower meadow sounds lovely. Maybe someday :-) This is also going to be coming out as a movie, staring Reese Witherspoon, in the next few months.


This has been a bit of a week for me. My home borders the woods and I got a little too aggressive in pulling weeds last week, resulting in a bout of Poison Oak. I am highly allergic and tend to get severe cases, so went to the doctor right away. But, I found out that the prednisone I have taken in the past does a real number on my blood glucose levels. The doctor warned me they could go very high, but the bigger issue has been the drops between the lows and highs. That blood glucose hangover is no fun. Note to self: as a diabetic, avoid poison ivy and poison oak!

Happy Thursday!



  1. Oh no. I am so sorry. My mother reacts to it terribly as well, but is not diabetic. She found a spray called Tecnu that helped. Our book club read Wild. I just couldn't get into it at the time. I thought it took way too long for her to get on the trail. Might pick it up again.

  2. Derek Jacobi and the rest of the cast are great actors.......

    I'm not diabetic but husband Eddie is a Type 2 diabetic and as you probably know we live the low carb high fat lifestyle. Our carb intake is between 30 to 50 each day. I know diabetics have to be careful with any medication, cough mixtures etc etc for any hidden sugars. Anyone can have an allergic reaction to .... and as with any medication caution is key.

    Take Care and ........

    All the best Jan

  3. Vicky,
    I am a nurse so I can relate regarding your steroids. I was told by the nice fair lady in Day 9 of my blog that goat soap helps with posion ivy and oak. Might be worth a try but I have not first hand knowledge. Let me know if you try it and it works. Hope get better soon.

  4. I have this book in my Nook library! it just sounded like something I needed to boost my confidence in my own independence. There are so any things I do with hubby or friends, I need to learn to find the things in life I love and pursue them alone.

    Jane xx

  5. Oh gosh, Vicki please be careful gardening. I didn't know about diabetes and poison oak and ivy.
    Take care and hope you feel better fast....Balisha

  6. I need to check out that show!!

  7. Thanks for sharing about the book.
    I am very sorry about the poison oak. I sympathize with what you are going through with your diabetes. Thanks for the warning; I will share with John.
    God bless you.

  8. Oh my . . . sorry to hear about your poison oak scare.
    Hope ths finds you feeling better Vicki!

  9. Oh my, I totally feel for you with the poison oak! I had severe reactions to poison oak when I was a young teen. We lived on acreage in OR, and the bad stuff was entwined with a huge blackberry bush that we loved to pick from. I got the rash and all that good stuff; but my severe reaction came when my dad decided to burn a great big area of brush, including a lot of poison oak. My face swelled and my eyes were just slits and I had trouble breathing. After going to the doctor and receiving a shot of something, it still took me several days to get back to normal. That stuff is just plain nasty!

  10. Oh, I forgot to comment on "Last Tango in Halifax," and that would be to say we (hubby, too) just adores that show! I adore every character and think they are some of the best actors around right now!

  11. Oh I hope you are feeling better!! My poor son-in-law got a nasty case of poison ivy while cleaning up the landscaping at their new house. Ouch!! But the added concern about the steroids sending your glucose out of whack is very scary. Take care!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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