Thursday, August 14, 2014

Outlander Viewing Party




My friend hosted an Outlander viewing party a few nights ago, complete with decorations and popcorn, popped at the ready. I always tell her that she should be the one to have a blog, because her attention to detail is perfect and her creativity in setting up a drink buffet or transforming a simple frame with a string of lights, just shines. She always makes her friends feel special and that's the mark of a good hostess.



As we began to watch Outlander, even those who had not read the books, were quickly caught up with the story, scenery and acting. My initial thoughts on the first episode, are that the creators have done a wonderful job, bringing this beloved book to life; not an easy feat. I am especially drawn to the portrayal of Claire. The actress gets her toughness, as well as her softer side, completely right. Her confusion and displacement in the 1700's is shown with just the right about of bravado and even humor. Also, her narration of the story is brilliant and so critical to understanding her point of view.

The consensus of the group was that we wanted to see more and arranged to get together every few weeks to watch a couple episodes. I love Outlander and watching it with all my friends, will make it even better.

Happy Thursday!



  1. You are right, she needs to blog . . . Looks like great "fixings" . . .

  2. How fun! What a great way to enjoy the show!

  3. We don't have Starz, but I found it on another channel. I loved it.

  4. What a GREAT idea! I love it when friends get together like this. I did something similar for the premiere of Downton Abbey in January and it was so much fun! I need to read up on this series some more because I can't decide if I would like it or not. I've read about it on Goodreads, but it just doesn't seem like something I would be interested in. I do enjoy historical fiction, though. Are the books in that genre?

    1. It is indeed historical fiction. I didn't think I'd like the books, either, and only began the series because my mother-in-law had recommended them. I was pleasantly surprised to like the story so much.

  5. What a fun way to watch the series.

  6. How much fun is that? You and your friends host the coolest parties!

  7. Sounds like fun! I haven't read the books, but I might just jump in with the new series. :)

  8. So much fun! Your friend does need a blog! I thought the show did a good job staying true to the book. Ready for this Saturday!! :)

  9. I talked the Pres into taping it while he watched something else...:)JP

  10. I enjoyed the first ep, too, even though I haven't read the books. It would be great to watch with friends, and yes, your friend needs a blog!

  11. It starts in Canada this weekend - I'm so excited!!

  12. I am in awe of people with such creativity! And what a great idea to meet every few weeks to watch a few episodes at a time!


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