Monday, August 4, 2014

An August Pool Day




A sunny day stretched out before us, full of sunshine and blue skies. Should we eat lunch on this lovely patio, or head right to the pool and embrace the summer day and enjoy a casual poolside snack? When August arrives, the summer days seem like the kind of days you need to savor. The month seems to fly by, as fall preparations and plans beckon. There are many things to look forward to, but it is these final days of summer that I want to hold on to.



No, I'm not ready for summer to end. I want many more pool days, spent in a lounge chair next to the blue pool; as blue as the sky in August. And, I was lucky enough to have a unexpected visit from my daughter, Megan, this weekend. Our choice for the day, was to relax by the pool, catching up on her life and hearing in her voice, how happy she is in Pittsburgh.

Life on this late summer day was very good :-)

Happy Monday!



  1. Wow. That sure looks inviting on a warm summer day. Glad you had a nice visit.

  2. So glad you got to spend time with Megan! And yes, not a better way than poolside.

  3. Happy Monday to you dear friend! Sounds like the perfect way to spend a hot Summer day! Enjoy it as long as it lasts:) HUGS!

  4. bwaaaa...I am so trying to hang onto summer...and I swear, I smelled FALL in the air early this morning.

  5. we have 2 pools in our townhome development, and I never use either of them. And at the end of the summer, I always beat myself up over it. Will toddle over there this weekend for sure! Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Looks like the perfect spot for a mom and daughter chat. Glad you had a surprise visit from her.

  7. So glad your daughter is happy and I know it was fun to share time by the pool with her.

  8. What a beautiful way to spend a gorgeous day!!! I noticed the vine maple leaves are already turning...soon theses lovely sunny days will end...

  9. What a lovely August day ..............

    All the best Jan

  10. Life is Good . . . Enjoy these next weeks of sunny days . . .

  11. I feel the summer days slipping away! Glad you had a perfect one to enjoy with your daughter, and wishing you more before fall comes!

  12. We waited so long for this summer that it's going by so quickly. One of the things I wanted to do this year was head north to cottage country and hopefully get out on a boat (it's been years). This is finally happening this weekend!!!!

  13. There is a months left, enjoy it! September is usually lovely.

  14. Hi Vicki, There is something about that last picture of the pool;) It makes me want to jump right in. The summer has been so warm and although most of us don't have air conditioning here in WA state (making it difficult to sleep sometimes;) I still enjoy the warm summer months. Enjoy your perfect day!! xxleslie

  15. I am hoping for summer to last a little longer too! so nice to catch up with your daughter poolside on a sunny day:)

  16. Your pictures are great! =) I havent been swimming in such a long time...the pool looks very inviting. Sounds like you had a wonderful day!

  17. We have talked about this before. Although we'd love to have our children live nearby the next best thing is knowing that they are happy in the life they have made for themselves. But a weekend together here and there is pretty awesome, too!


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