Friday, March 21, 2014

March Book Club




At my book club, we always start the evening gathered around the table as one, enjoying a lovely dinner prepared by our hostess. As the evening progresses, we move to the living room, taking our glass of wine and sit in a circle for book discussion. The circle includes everyone in the discussion and everyone is welcome to give their opinion. Sometimes it gets loud, as everyone begins to talk at once, but there is still respect for each other. Of course, we have a varied group, with differing views and our discussions take us to interesting places, that may have little to do with the book. But, that is the beauty of a group of strong women, with a long history of friendship. There is security in knowing that words will not be judged, everyone is heard and at the end of the night, we walk away as we started.


Our hostess served a yummy and simple dessert that I wanted to share. It was beautiful, light and perfect for the first day of spring. She simply placed two different scoops of pretty sherbet ice cream in a bowl, added fresh fruit and then drizzled creme de cassis (black currant liqueur) over it all. Served with a coconut macaroon, in a pretty bowl, it was a lovely, elegant dessert that is easy to put together when you are hosting company in your home.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. What a wonderful evening. The dessert looks delicious and perfect for a spring evening with friends.

  2. I wish I could find a book club here I miss my old one in Utah! What book did you read and what's next for April? I'm in need of a book!

  3. Being part of a book club sounds like so much fun! Thanks for visiting L'Heure Bleue At Home.

  4. It looks lovely and the best of times with girl friends! I can so relate also being an empty nester. My kids are 32 and 26. I married my college sweetheart too, so I'm looking forward to following you. Have a great spring weekend. xo Nancy

  5. Sounds yummy! I would love to get a book club going, but don't know who to ask.

  6. I miss my book club so much!! What book are you going to read for next time?

  7. I'm out of book club until our move and building is complete. This looks so fun and the dessert looks delicious:)

  8. Oh girl, y'all are having too much fun:) Enjoy your weekend dear friend! HUGS!

  9. Sounds like a good excuse to eat good food to me..You gals sure do enjoy yourselves..Have a great weekend Vicki

  10. What a great time to have with friends! Good reads, good food and just good everything! What a life, right?


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