Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...walking, movies, etc.



  • This path, right behind my house is my favorite part of my daily walk. My puppy knows we are almost home and I am usually ready to stop too. There is something special in this part of the path, with its leaning tree that we walk under. I like to capture it in all seasons; winter with snow on the path and trees, spring and summer with its shades of green, but especially fall, with the brilliant color and light.
  • When I got up early to go to the lab, for blood work, last week, this was my reward :-) Panera is just down the street and it was oh so easy to stop for a skim latte and a cinnamon scone, on my way home. I don't miss much about working, but stopping for coffee, early in the morning is a treat I do miss. It always made those morning meetings seem better, with a fresh cup of coffee in my hand.
  • I watched Winter's Bone, after reading the book and was very pleased with the adaptation. Its actors were nominated for Academy Awards and I can see why. Jennifer Lawrence does such a wonderful job portraying Ree, the teen who spends the movie searching for her missing father. I especially loved the realistic locations, music and colorful supporting characters. When a movie can bring a book to life effectively, it can be riveting to watch.
  • My kitchen painting project that I thought was finished took another two days, thanks to the removal of the painter's tape. I will never use it again! There were very few clean edges and I had to go back and paint around all the doors, windows and cabinets. I can do a much better job cutting in on my own. Is there a secret to using painter's tape I haven't figured out? Please tell me if you know :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I enjoyed the movie too. I haven't read the book, however.
    I have struggled with the tape too. My only hint would be to really press the side down that will be painted next to.I go over this a couple of times to make sure it isn't loose.
    I think that you probably always will have to go over it and touch up when finished. I still think it works better for me than having to do it without.

  2. What a pretty walking path and the scone looks delicious! I have used painters tape only once and said never again so if there is a trick to using it I hope someone shares it :)

  3. Oh what a wonderful place to walk! I know you enjoy it! I have used painter's tape but it has been too long to remember how I did it:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. That walking path is stunning! I don't know of any secrets to using it, but I cannot figure out how to paint trim without it!

  5. We have a walking path near us that looks just like yours. It was the path to elementary school. I miss those walks to school in the morning.

  6. I envy you that walking path. What a gorgeous place for a contemplative walk. I don't have any hints about the tape - but whether it's adequate or not, it has to beat the results I'd get with my nonexistent cutting-in abilities!

  7. I love that path and that you capture the seasons! Your panera choice - perfection! And I never read Winters Bone but I wish that I had before seeing the movie. I really liked the movie.

  8. Press your painter's tape down on the edge with an eraser. Then paint the color that is already on the walls, that will seal it. After that is dry, paint the color you are switching to. Hopefully this will work, I've had success doing this. I'm going to look for that movie!

  9. Beautiful trails. Agree with the last comment regarding the tape. I actually have a couple walls I need to do this weekend. I have also found it works best to pull it while the paint is still a bit damp. A lot of time if it is latex wall paint that has gotten on semi-gloss/gloss trim paint you can just scrape it off if not fully dry.

  10. I love scones this time of year. I have always wanted to make my own cinnamon chip scones too! The trail behind your home is very beautiful.

  11. I always treat myself too after doing blood work. Will definitely rent Winter's Bone. Have a great weekend.

  12. I've had pretty good luck with painter's tape if I remove it while the paint is still wet. Of course I then sometimes get the wet paint on the tape all over myself and everything else. I'm always so impressed with people who can paint without it, cutting in all the corners and edges. I guess I am not patient enough for that!

  13. I would love to walk around your path. It must be inspiring on a glorious sunny day. The fall colors are beautiful. Don't you just love Panera's bakery? ..... Candy

  14. I love your walking path! I would be motivated to walk if that was near my house!

  15. Gorgeous walking path . . .
    I like Jennifer Lawrence . . . I need to read Winters Bone first.
    The regular morning coffee or latte, scone or bagel is missed by me too . . .

  16. The fall colors you've captured are gorgeous!

  17. I agree with everyone else about the tape and also make sure you buy a good brand - Dollar store brands don't stick as well. I also take it off before the walls dry too much - it's a bit messier that way, but works well for me.


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