Friday, July 12, 2013

Take Me Out To The Ball Game



Wednesday night we hade tickets to attend the Detroit Tigers versus the Chicago White Sox game at Comerica Park, in Detroit. A weeknight game is a fun way to spend an otherwise uneventful night and after seemingly days and weeks of rain and thunderstorms, it was nice to get out of the house and make our way downtown.

It was a beautiful night to sit outside and take in a game. The minute we arrived and sat in our seats, the humidity began to drop, the breeze picked up and blue sky appeared as a backdrop to the stadium. I could tell it was going to be one of those perfect summer nights.

Comerica Park is one of the newer baseball stadiums, built in the midst of the city and designed to show off the downtown buildings. From the stately Detroit Athletic Club, to the more modern Renaissance Center, the buildings are the star, when you look towards the outfield. Detroit may have its problems, but on a beautiful night like this, those problems seem far away.

Have a great summer weekend!


Linking with Sunny Simple Life and The Tablescaper, Oh The Places I've Been



  1. Gorgeous stadium!!! Looks like a positively delightful evening!

  2. Love the photos with that blue, blue sky and amazing cloud formations!

  3. Fun! Yes,they have great stadiums.

  4. I was at that same game - and from the looks of your pics - we were sitting pretty darn close to one another. I was in Sec 218! It was a beautiful night - once the breeze picked up! It was also a great game!!!

  5. How fun. The sky was so beautiful. We haven't been in years. We need to take Q.

  6. What a treat when the humidity vanishes . . . Yippee!

  7. It was a gorgeous night and we've had a few since then. But we're back to humidity next week.

    I have very fond memories of going to old Tiger Stadium back in the 90's when my Blue Jays were at their height of success - we took a bus load down from Toronto to see them beat your Tigers 13-2. Those days are gone for sure!!

    Didn't realize we lived so close to each other - I now live halfway between Toronto and Detroit!!

  8. Glad you had a nice night for the ball game..Hope your team won..

  9. I wondered what that gorgeous tiger was, and then you explained. That sounds like a lovely night watching a game.

  10. What a nice stadium, Vicki. Looks like a fun night out and a good way to pass an evening. Ann

  11. A true, loyal Detroit fan... just like my husband! He grew up in Maumee, Ohio so Detroit was always the pro team he followed. Still to this day. In fact, tonight he was busy working in the kitchen when the news came on about the game. Never saw a man run so fast to hear the game highlights in my life!!!

  12. Oh what a wonderful view! I love the sights and sounds of being at the ballpark! Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  13. Wow! Such a gorgeous night for a game and looks like you all had a wonderful time. You've got a great attitude.. cities are just that but you have to venture out every now and then:) Enjoy the rest of the weekend and thank you so much for visiting me! xxleslie

  14. What fun! Visiting from Oh the Places I've been...

  15. That tiger was gigantic and very detailed.

  16. Wow what a beautiful day to be at a ball game, love going to activities like this when everything is perfect!


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