Monday, March 11, 2013

Skinny Girl Margarita Cake

What kind of cake do you make your daughter for her 23rd birthday? I was looking for something fun and creative and came across this recipe for a Skinny Girl Margarita Cake. We both love these kind of low calorie margaritas and I knew I could make it even healthier by using sugar free pudding and sugar free frosting. It was an easy cake to put together and bake too. The recipe can be found here.
Some candles (3 for 23) and some pretty white sprinkles, added a festive touch to this delicious cake. We all agreed that it did taste like margaritas, with a definite flavor of lime. Each of us had one small piece, before Megan took it to share with her friends.

We celebrated Megan's birthday Saturday morning, with a breakfast of bagels, smoothies and coffee - and of course presents. When your children are older, you may not be with them on their actual birthday, you may not host a birthday party, but you take advantage of the chance to celebrate with them, even if it is in a small way. The point is to make them feel special and loved - no matter their age.

Happy Monday!

{Linking with these friends}
Rattlebridge Farm

Barns and Noodles


  1. Happy birthday wishes! This looks so good. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Happy Birthday #23:) What a YUMMY looking cake! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  3. Happy Birthday to Megan! The cake looks delicious! I am going to have a peek at the recipe. One of my daughters turns 22 next month and she still looks forward to that special day like she did when she was five!


  4. Ha! I am a HUGE fan of the skinny margarita. This looks so good and what a fun idea for your daughter. My daughter turns 22 in a couple weeks and I noticed you've been married 30 years? Me too!

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!


  5. The perfect cake for a girl in her early 20s...or maybe even one in her late 40s!!?!?!

  6. You had me at Margarita. This cake looks delicous! I have a 21 year old daughte so I know how the cakes gotta be. LOL. Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!

  7. Vicky... Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Laura was so sweet to write such a nice post! We have so much in common! Both my girls names begin with M too and my husband never gets them right. I am so happy to find your blog. That Margarita cake looks scrumptious!

  8. It looks yummy and I love any food that is citrus flavored. xo, olive

  9. I know what you mean about celebrating with grown children when you can. I had to go to my daughter's workplace to celebrate with her. Your cake looks so delicious!

  10. Very nice words thoughts . . . loved your Skinny Girk Cake!

  11. ok, I need this now!!! Yum! Pinned! Thanks for linking up to Saturday Dishes! Have a great week! ~ Paula

  12. Hi This is so pretty! I love the pearls on the white icing. And I love Margaritas!! I'm glad I found this on Saturday Dishes! Following you on Pinterest!

  13. I love how beautiful all the white is! What a gorgeous cake! Pinning.
    Thanks for sharing at Saturday Dishes! We hope to see you back this weekend for Asian Recipes!

  14. I love the idea of a margarita cake for cinco de mayo. Thanks for sharing the sugar free skinny girl version. Ill be making it on the fifth.


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