Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...books, DWTS, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

Cooper enjoyed greeting the trick or treaters at the door last night. She stopped barking after the first ten times the doorbell rang, thank goodness. We had about 200 trick or treaters, which is normal for our neighborhood. I was very happy Megan was home to help pass out the candy :-)

Now that the baseball playoffs are over, (so sad the Tigers lost) I can once again watch DWTS on Monday nights. The country theme was fun, but most of the dancers did not embrace it enough. I liked Shawn's and Melissa's dances the best and thought they were appropriately country and western themed. Apollo's dance was beautiful and emotional. I think my new favorite is Melissa, because I want Tony to finally win.

The book I am reading now is Mr. Churchill's Secretary by Susan Elia MacNeal. I am enjoying the historical detail of London, during World War II and the blitz. There is a recently published sequel - Princess Elizabeth's Spy - that I look forward to reading too. It will be interesting to see how the heroine (Maggie) leaves her job as a secretary and becomes a spy for England.

We will be attending the Collegiate High Kick Championship this weekend and watching Melissa and the MSU Pompon team. They will be competing for their 6th straight win and are always fantastic and so creative. We always enjoy watching Melissa shine in competitions. Go State!

Happy Thursday :-)


  1. 200 kids we had 12! I think Kristie should have gone home...but the competition is fierce! Good luck to your daughter and her team! Have a wonderful day!

  2. We watch DWTS also! It is hard for me to pick a favorite this Season, they are all SO good:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. 200 kids? Share please, we didn't get any!

  4. Our Halloween is on Monday cause of the Hurricane. 200 kids is alot.

  5. that is a lot of trick or treaters!!
    fun pictures!!
    happy November.

  6. I am a huge Melissa fan but I was also sad to see Sabrina go! They are all really good though! Its been fun to watch!

  7. We had a similar experience with our dog last night....barked and scrambled to the doorbell for the first 10 trick or treaters before relaxing :) I'm a DWTS fan too. I agree, Tony deserves to win, and Melissa is a great partner.

  8. had a lot of kids. We had a lot, too, but not 200! I suppose you don't have any candy left, which for me would be a good thing! ;-D

    I'm not a sports fan but I was a pompom girl! Okay, I do like going to games, except football because it SO cold here! But to watch it on TV...I'd rather read. The book you read looks really interesting. I'll have to look for it.

    Love that Tony!! :)


  9. SOunds like you had a fun Halloween! Ours was small, but it's ok since I skimped on candy to keep the temptation down. ha. My kids said I was mean.
    Mr. Churchill's Secretary sounds like a really good read ... I think I may have to run to Barnes and Noble tomorrow before we leave on our camping trip! DWTS is pretty good this season. I like that most everyone is taking it serious and you don't have the "entertaining" factor playing such a role ... I don't like comedy in dance. Shawn is probably my favorite of all the dancers this season.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


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