Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We Are One

This is an exciting week in the state of Michigan if you are a sports fan. Even if you are just a casual fan, it is hard to be unaware that the Detroit Tigers are playing the New York Yankees in the American League Championship series and that it is Michigan State versus Michigan week on the football schedule. These two events bring the state together and most people have an opinion or a loyalty, one way or another.

The Tigers unite the state in its passion for a team that represents a city and a region that has seen its share of hard times in recent years. This state rises and falls with the struggles of the auto industry, but the people always believe that hard work will triumph and Detroit will come back. The recent successes of the Big Three represent this resiliency. The success of the Tigers gives us a reason to cheer and celebrate together.

The Michigan - Michigan State Rivalry is hard to describe. Everyone has some sort of connection to either one or both universities. It makes for interesting ( and sometimes heated) conversations between family members and friends. But, that is what makes this rivalry week so fun. My daughters take the rivalry in stride and support each others school when they attend a football game together.

So, for this week, the state of Michigan will come together as one, in both Detroit, at Comerica Park and at Michigan Stadium, in Ann Arbor, supporting the teams that give us so much to cheer about. This quote by Detroit Free Press columnist, Mitch Albom eloquently describes this feeling - "sports is sometimes all we have, it relieves us, distracts us, at times even saves us"



  1. I can see you have a passion for sports! I can relate...game day can be pretty intense around our house too :) Love the Mitch Albom quote!

  2. I love the loyalty to all teams Michigan! People are crazy about the Bills here even though they stink.

  3. Wtg Michigan !!!!! I can your pride!

  4. I am enjoying watching the games! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. What a great quote to end your post with! I love how all this is happening in your state all at once! So fun to throw yourself completely into it and have the bonus of family being into it too! Ann


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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