Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First Post

Welcome to my blog. I hope you will visit often as I share how my life has become quieter, more simple and somewhat introspective. I will talk about life with my husband of almost 30 years, my college age daughters, who move in and move out and my cute 1 year old puppy. I'll talk about the books I love, my garden and cooking as healthy as I can. I'll discuss reality TV because I am addicted to the crazy housewives and the bachelors/bachelorettes. And sports - I love my Detroit and Big Ten teams!

I recently left a stressful job and have spent the past few months finding the new normal for me. My daughters are living at college, so my husband and I became empty nesters for the first time. As much as I worried about how it would be, I have to say it was an easy transition. We enjoyed the freedom and the calm. It felt like we were dating again. Of course we missed the girls, but they were both an hour or less away, so we could visit often.
While my husband is at work, it is the puppy and I every day - going for walks, drinking tea, reading and working in my flower garden. A simple, calm life. Just like I need it to be :)


  1. Welcome, I like your new blog. I hope you love blogging as much as I do.
    ♥ Terrie ♥

  2. Hi~ I'm your newsest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog-hope you'll come back and read more! We have a few things in common, I've been married 29 years and have 2 kids {boys} 17 & 23. My nest isn't empty quite yet though. Oh...and we are big sports fans, especially the Chicago Bears. :O) Have fun with your blog...hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do! Susan @ The Secret to Having It All

    1. It sounds like we have a lot in common! We just won't talk when the Lions and Bears play each other :-)

      I look forward to reading your blog.

  3. Hi Vicki, Read your whole blog today and you and I have a lot in common: empty nesters, happy at home ("retired" if you will), love dogs, love tea, garden...I'm glad I met you and I will be following you. Looking forward to reading about your daily adventures!
    Hugs, Beth

    1. Thank you so much. I will be reading your blog as well :-)

  4. Hi Vicki
    I just started blogging in January, so I consider myself fairly new too. So much to learn, and sooooo many wonderful blogs to visit!!
    We used to live in Windsor, my one daughter and grandson still do. Loved going over to Detroit and Michigan (great golf!!) when we lived there.
    Debbie :)

    1. So far loving writing the blog and reading all the others. Golf in Michigan is great!

  5. Sweet first post Vicki . . . Reading this a few months since i have been following you and celebrating your first anniversary of blogging, i would say you have stayed true to your early intentions . . . I enjoy you!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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