Monday, March 10, 2025

The Best Visit


Family came to visit and it was everything and more.  Megan, Adam and Audrey stayed for a week and it was a last minute surprise that Kevin and Melissa managed to come for three days and overlap.  So, we were all together, which is always special.

The weather was just about perfect too.  Not quite perfect for swimming, but we turned up the pool heater and it was comfortable.  Audrey loved the pool and the beach which made it so fun. We saw flamingos at Sarasota Jungle Gardens one morning. We read lots of books, watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, blew bubbles and just spent a lot of time outside enjoying warm weather.  Their Michigan winter has been pretty frigid, so they all loved the sunshine.

I cooked a lot, but we also had some fun meals out and of course ice cream too.  Nana and PopPop made wonderful memories with so much one on one time.  When you move to Florida, live by the beach and build a pool, these are the memories you dream of making with your family.  Many more memories to come too.

Monday, February 17, 2025

February in Photos


Busy, busy February so far.  My to do list has been long as I prepare for a season of company from up north. We don’t do spring cleaning in Florida, but we do lots of those type jobs in the winter, so we can have fun in the spring.  Today, I put out 40 bags of fresh mulch and am happy to have that off my list.

There have been several fun things too including an MSU basketball watch party, lunch, brunch and dinner with friends and full moon yoga on the beach, including a pretty sunset before moon rise. I am quite busy too with my volunteer group; both working as a site leader on Make a Difference Day in Venice and writing the weekly newsletter for the group.  

I am very excited that our first round of company from snowy Michigan will be my daughters, son in laws and of course Audrey.  The weather looks to be beautiful so getting her pool and beach time is a priority.  Her Nana and PopPop are ready to show off Florida to her.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Very Chilly Visit


It was frigid and snowy when my plane touched down in Michigan last week, but since I was there to help Megan and spend quality time with Audrey, I made the best of it.  Megan picked me up at the airport and it was slow going to get home in the middle of a snowstorm, so we decided to mostly stay inside for the next few days.

I played with Audrey, read about 100 books and cuddled for a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Club.  I brought Valentine stickers and we made pictures for her Daddy, PopPop and Auntie. We did go to breakfast one day and lunch another, plus a visit to Meijer Gardens where there is an indoor greenhouse, a cafe and a cute children’s play area.  Usually when I am there we take a lot of walks, but temperatures below zero don’t allow for that.

She is so sweet, funny and happy, so being around her is a pleasure.  I could hear her calling for Nana after her nap or in the morning and that makes my long distance Grandma heart happy.  I am home now and today we face timed with lots of great interaction.  And, the good news is that they will be visiting Florida in a few weeks for some sunshine, pool time and beach time.   I think this long distance style grandma -ing is going to be okay.

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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